Police Clearance Certificate (PCC)

For this service, applicants have to apply in person only.


 i.  Duly filled in and signed PCC Application Form (for PCC Application Form, please visit the link 'Forms for Consular Services').

  • Applicant's valid passport in original and self-attested photocopy of pages containing personal particulars of the applicant. The applicant shall also bring the original passport for collection of PCC.

ii.  Visa Status:

a. For Indian nationals: Self-attested photocopy of the passport page containing valid Visa or Dutch Residence Permit Card.

b. For foreign nationals: Applicants who are foreign passport holders and who never held any Indian passport need to submit self-attested photocopy of page containing latest Indian visa on their passports.

c. Foreign nationals who previously held Indian passport: Such foreign nationals need to submit any of the following.

             §   Self-attested photocopy page containing valid Indian visa on their passports.


             §   Self-attested photocopy of the OCI or PIO Card (if the applicant holds OCI or PIO Card).


             §   Self-attested photocopy of Indian Passport Surrender Certificate (foreign passport holders who previously held an Indian passport are required to surrender their last held Indian passport at the nearest Indian Mission/Post and obtain Indian Passport Surrender Certificate).

iii. Proof of Residence: Any of the following self-attested documents viz. copy of utility bill (landline telephone bill/electricity bill/gas bill/water bill) or lease deed (of house) etc. where the applicant’s address is clearly mentioned, should be provided, OR Uittreksel from Gemeente where applicant’s address in the Netherlands is clearly mentioned should be provided.


Fee: €20.00 (payable by debit card (PIN). Cash is accepted as an exception if exact amount is tendered.).

Processing Time:

  • If you are an Indian passport holder and if the passport is issued by the Embassy of India, The Hague or if your complete passport particulars are available in our data base, this service is rendered normally within ten working days after receipt of application at the Consular Section of the Embassy of India subject to verification of antecedents.
  • If you are an Indian national and your passport is not issued by the Embassy of India and if your complete passport particulars are not available in our data base, this service is rendered after obtaining the confirmation/ clearance from the original Passport Issuing Authority and it may normally take up to 45 days.
  • In case of foreign nationals, this service is rendered normally within 30 working days after receipt of application, subject to fulfilment of all documentation requirements.

Note: Apart from the general mandatory requirements mentioned above, applicant may be advised to submit additional documents, after scrutiny, on case to case basis.


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